Figure 16 (page 33):
Rate versus concentration of A.
Code for Figure 16
Text of the GNU GPL.
clear('all'); close('all');
% create data for r = k c^n model
% jbr, 12/2008
k = 0.35;
n = 1.75;
npts = 21;
c = linspace (1, 10, npts)';
randn('seed', -1)
sigma = 0.2;
% use a constant percentage measurement error
ymeas = k*c.^n .*(1 + sigma*randn(npts, 1));
myfile = fopen('rateconc_data.dat', 'w');
for i = 1: size(ymeas,1)
fprintf(myfile, '%8.2f', c(i), ymeas(i));
fprintf(myfile, '\n');