Figure 9 (page 18):

The function sin 2 \pi x and 10 collocation points.

Code for Figure 9

Text of the GNU GPL.


clear('all'); close('all');
n = 10;
[x, A, B, Q] = colloc(n);
a = 10;

nplot = 100;
xplot = linspace(0, 1, nplot)';

y = sin(2*pi*xplot);

Y = sin(2*pi*x);

plot(xplot, y,  x, Y, 'o')

table1 = [xplot, y];
table2 = [x, Y];

save sinfcn_1.dat table1
save sinfcn_2.dat table2


function [r, a, b, q] = colloc (n, varargin)

  nargs = nargin;

  if (nargs < 1 || nargs > 3)
    error ('usage: [r, a, b, q] = colloc (n, ''left'', ''right'')');

  if (~ (isnumeric (n) && numel (n) == 1 && round (n) == n))
    error ('colloc: first argument must be an integer scalar');

  if (isnan (n) || isinf (n))
    error ('colloc: NaN is invalid as N');

  if (n < 0)
    error ('colloc: first argument must be non-negative');

  n0 = 0;
  n1 = 0;

  for i = 2:nargs
    s = varargin{i-1};
    if (~ ischar (s))
      error ('colloc: expecting character string argument');

    s = lower (s);
    if (strcmp (s, 'r') || strcmp (s, 'right'))
      n1 = 1;
    elseif (strcmp (s, 'l') || strcmp (s, 'left'))
      n0 = 1;
      error ('colloc: unrecognized argument');

  nt = n + n0 + n1;

  if (nt < 1)
    error ('colloc: the total number of roots must be positive');

  alpha = 0;
  beta = 0;

  %% Compute roots.

  [dif1, dif2, dif3, r] = jcobi (n, n0, n1, alpha, beta);

  %% First derivative weights.

  a = zeros (nt, nt);
  for i = 1:nt
    a(i,:) = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, 1, dif1, dif2, dif3, r)';

  %% Second derivative weights.

  b = zeros (nt, nt);
  for i = 1:nt
    b(i,:) = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, 2, dif1, dif2, dif3, r)';

  %% Gaussian quadrature weights.

  id = 3;
  q = dfopr (n, n0, n1, 0, id, dif1, dif2, dif3, r);


%% The following routines (JCOBI, DIF, DFOPR, INTRP, AND RADAU)
%% are the same as found in Villadsen, J. and M.L. Michelsen,
%% Solution of Differential Equation Models by Polynomial
%% Approximation, Prentice-Hall (1978) pages 418-420.
%% Cosmetic changes (elimination of arithmetic IF statements, most
%% GO TO statements, and indentation of program blocks) made by:
%% John W. Eaton
%% Department of Chemical Engineering
%% The University of Texas at Austin
%% Austin, Texas 78712
%% June 6, 1987
%% Some error checking additions also made on June 7, 1987
%% Further cosmetic changes made August 20, 1987
%% Translated from Fortran December 14, 2006

function vect = dfopr (n, n0, n1, i, id, dif1, dif2, dif3, root)

%%   Villadsen and Michelsen, pages 133-134, 419
%%   Input parameters:
%%     N      : The degree of the Jacobi polynomial, (i.e. the number
%%              of interior interpolation points)
%%     N0     : Determines whether x = 0 is included as an
%%              interpolation point
%%                n0 = 0  ==>  x = 0 is not included
%%                n0 = 1  ==>  x = 0 is included
%%     N1     : Determines whether x = 1 is included as an
%%              interpolation point
%%                n1 = 0  ==>  x = 1 is not included
%%                n1 = 1  ==>  x = 1 is included
%%     I      : The index of the node for which the weights are to be
%%              calculated
%%     ID     : Indicator
%%                id = 1  ==>  first derivative weights are computed
%%                id = 2  ==>  second derivative weights are computed
%%                id = 3  ==>  Gaussian weights are computed (in this
%%                             case, I is not used).
%%   Output parameters:
%%     DIF1   : vector containing the first derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros
%%     DIF2   : vector containing the second derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros
%%     DIF3   : vector containing the third derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros
%%     VECT   : vector of computed weights

  if (n0 ~= 0 && n0 ~= 1)
    error ('dfopr: n0 not equal to 0 or 1');

  if (n1 ~= 0 && n1 ~= 1)
    error ('dfopr: n1 not equal to 0 or 1');

  if (n < 0)
    error ('dfopr: n less than 0');

  nt = n + n0 + n1;

  if (id ~= 1 && id ~= 2 && id ~= 3)
    error ('dfopr: id not equal to 1, 2, or 3');

  if (id ~= 3)
    if (i < 1)
      error ('dfopr: index less than zero');

    if (i > nt)
      error ('dfopr: index greater than number of interpolation points');

  if (nt < 1)
    error ('dfopr: number of interpolation points less than 1');

%% Evaluate discretization matrices and Gaussian quadrature
%% weights.  Quadrature weights are normalized to sum to one.

  vect = zeros (nt, 1);

  if (id ~= 3)
    for j = 1:nt
      if (j == i)
	if (id == 1)
	  vect(i) = dif2(i)/dif1(i)/2.0;
	  vect(i) = dif3(i)/dif1(i)/3.0;
	y = root(i) - root(j);
	vect(j) = dif1(i)/dif1(j)/y;
	if (id == 2)
	  vect(j) = vect(j)*(dif2(i)/dif1(i) - 2.0/y);
    y = 0.0;

    for j = 1:nt

      x = root(j);
      ax = x*(1.0 - x);

      if (n0 == 0)
	ax = ax/x/x;

      if (n1 == 0)
	ax = ax/(1.0 - x)/(1.0 - x);

      vect(j) = ax/dif1(j)^2;
      y = y + vect(j);


    vect = vect/y;



function [dif1, dif2, dif3, root] = jcobi (n, n0, n1, alpha, beta)

%%   Villadsen and Michelsen, pages 131-132, 418
%%   This subroutine computes the zeros of the Jacobi polynomial
%%      (ALPHA,BETA)
%%     P  (X)
%%      N
%%   Input parameters:
%%     N      : The degree of the Jacobi polynomial, (i.e. the number
%%              of interior interpolation points)
%%     N0     : Determines whether x = 0 is included as an
%%              interpolation point
%%                N0 = 0  ==>  x = 0 is not included
%%                N0 = 1  ==>  x = 0 is included
%%     N1     : Determines whether x = 1 is included as an
%%              interpolation point
%%                N1 = 0  ==>  x = 1 is not included
%%                N1 = 1  ==>  x = 1 is included
%%     ALPHA  : The value of alpha in the description of the jacobi
%%              polynomial
%%     BETA   : The value of beta in the description of the Jacobi
%%              polynomial
%%     For a more complete explanation of alpha and beta, see Villadsen
%%     and Michelsen, pages 57 to 59
%%   Output parameters:
%%     ROOT   : vector containing the n + n0 + n1 zeros of the node
%%              polynomial used in the interpolation routine
%%     DIF1   : vector containing the first derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros
%%     DIF2   : vector containing the second derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros
%%     DIF3   : vector containing the third derivative
%%              of the node polynomial at the zeros

  if (n0 ~= 0 && n0 ~= 1)
    error ('jcobi: n0 not equal to 0 or 1');

  if (n1 ~= 0 && n1 ~= 1)
    error ('jcobi: n1 not equal to 0 or 1');

  if (n < 0)
    error ('jcobi: n less than 0');

  nt = n + n0 + n1;

  if (nt < 1)
    error ('jcobi: number of interpolation points less than 1');

  dif1 = zeros (nt, 1);
  dif2 = zeros (nt, 1);
  dif3 = zeros (nt, 1);
  root = zeros (nt, 1);

%% First evaluation of coefficients in recursion formulas.
%% recursion coefficients are stored in dif1 and dif2.

  ab = alpha + beta;
  ad = beta - alpha;
  ap = beta*alpha;
  dif1(1) = (ad/(ab + 2.0) + 1.0)/2.0;
  dif2(1) = 0.0;

  if (n >= 2)
    for i = 2:n

      z1 = i - 1.0;
      z = ab + 2*z1;
      dif1(i) = (ab*ad/z/(z + 2.0) + 1.0)/2.0;

      if (i == 2)
	dif2(i) = (ab + ap + z1)/z/z/(z + 1.0);
	z = z*z;
	y = z1*(ab + z1);
	y = y*(ap + y);
	dif2(i) = y/z/(z - 1.0);


%% Root determination by newton method with suppression of
%% previously determined roots.

  x = 0.0;

  for i = 1:n

    done = false;

    while (~ done)

      xd = 0.0;
      xn = 1.0;
      xd1 = 0.0;
      xn1 = 0.0;

      for j = 1:n
	xp = (dif1(j) - x)*xn  - dif2(j)*xd;
	xp1 = (dif1(j) - x)*xn1 - dif2(j)*xd1 - xn;
	xd = xn;
	xd1 = xn1;
	xn = xp;
	xn1 = xp1;

      zc = 1.0;
      z = xn/xn1;

      if (i ~= 1)
	for j = 2:i
	  zc = zc - z/(x - root(j-1));

      z = z/zc;
      x = x - z;

      if (abs(z) <= 1.0e-09)
	done = true;


    root(i) = x;
    x = x + 0.0001;


%% Add interpolation points at x = 0 and/or x = 1.

  nt = n + n0 + n1;

  if (n0 ~= 0)
    for i = 1:n
      j = n + 1 - i;
      root(j+1) = root(j);
    root(1) = 0.0;

  if (n1 == 1)
    root(nt) = 1.0;

%% Use recursion formulas to evaluate derivatives of node polynomial
%%                   N0     (ALPHA,BETA)           N1
%%     P  (X)  =  (X)   *  P (X)         *  (1 - X)
%%      NT                   N
%% at the interpolation points.

  for i = 1:nt
    x = root(i);
    dif1(i) = 1.0;
    dif2(i) = 0.0;
    dif3(i) = 0.0;
    for j = 1:nt
      if (j ~= i)
	y = x - root(j);
	dif3(i) = y*dif3(i) + 3.0*dif2(i);
	dif2(i) = y*dif2(i) + 2.0*dif1(i);
	dif1(i) = y*dif1(i);


Data files


# Created by Octave 3.8.1, Thu Aug 21 10:29:15 2014 CDT 
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# Created by Octave 3.8.1, Thu Aug 21 10:29:15 2014 CDT 
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